Dr. Ryan LaChance

WAVE Wellness Center

Growing up as a wide-eyed dreamer in a small Ohio town, I always knew I wanted to make a world-changing impact, though I wasn’t sure how. My teenage years brought a fascination with health and the human body, leading me to explore various medical fields in college, yet nothing felt right. The conventional approach of treating symptoms with pills or surgery felt misguided to me; I believed in prevention and holistic well-being, a notion that set me apart from my peers.

In a moment of clarity, I turned to faith for direction, which led me to the field of Chiropractic. Its core philosophy resonated with me: the body’s inherent ability to heal itself, given the right conditions. This revelation aligned with my purpose and faith, guiding me to serve others through Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care, blending my skills and passion to promote health and well-being.

Dr. Ryan David LaChance, D.C., is an Upper Cervical Chiropractor and the Founder and CEO of The WAVE Wellness Center, a dream realized with divine guidance. Every day, my excitement grows as I live out my childhood dream of being an inventor—creating a wellness movement that I believe can change the world, one person at a time.

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2643 Narnia Way Suit 101, Land O' Lakes, FL 34638, USA
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